Invest with confidence
Two plans to choose from. Start with a 14-day free trial of Full Access — no credit card required.
Portfolio tracking and basic analysis
- Unlimited portfolios
- Email alerts of dividend changes
- Income calendar and forecast
- Stock pages with basic analysis
- Upgrade to Full Access anytime
Protect and grow your income
- Portfolio tracking with income calendars
- Email alerts of dividend changes
- Dividend Safety Scores™ to avoid cuts
- Analyst research to navigate uncertainty
- Expected Price to avoid overpaying for stocks
- Stock and closed-end fund screeners
- Financial charts with ten years of history
- Newsletter with model portfolios
60-day money-back guarantee
If after a month or two you find the service isn't meeting your needs, we'll refund you every penny — no questions asked. Our policy is a sign of our trust that the service can deliver meaningful, ongoing value. (Note: Our money-back guarantee applies to first-time subscribers only.)
Frequently asked questions
- Can I pay monthly?
We offer an annual subscription only. But we do offer a 60-day money-back guarantee (see above) so you can subscribe with confidence.
- Do you offer discounts?
We don't offer any discounts or run specials out of fairness to our existing customers. We've tried to make our pricing simple, transparent, and fair for everyone.
- Can I switch plans after subscribing?
You can upgrade to Full Access anytime. When you upgrade, you'll start a new one-year subscription with a credit for the time remaining on your Lite subscription.
Downgrades are handled differently. You can choose to downgrade to Lite anytime, but the downgrade won't take effect until your subscription renews. In other words, Full Access is a one-year commitment.
- How do I cancel?
You can cancel your subscription from inside your account with a single click. Or shoot us an email and we'll help you right away.
- Will my subscription renew automatically?
Auto-renewal is on by default, but we'll send you a heads up via email two weeks before renewal so there are no surprises. You can also turn off auto-renewal within your account (we can help via email, too).